The animal, in general, does not possess the intellect, of which we as human beings now boast. Our overarching cerebral cortex hangs like a massive walnut tree, Yggdrasil, over this earth. Human beings are animals, mammals, but we do not like to show our genitals in public, unless we are getting paid to do it. Animals, to our eyes, lack the individual features we see in ourselves as distinct and particular human beings. Animals as symbols and icons represent characteristics based on their shared species behaviour. The male lion, with its mane, symbolises the king of the jungle, king of beasts. Medieval royalty was, similarly, attired in crowns with mane like elements.
Animal Icons Enrich Cultures & Civilisations
Animals as symbols and icons have enriched cultures and civilisations all over the globe. We have looked to the natural world for our inspiration in the way we go about our lives. The eagle is another majestic animal, a bird of prey, which inhabits the heightened realms above us. This animal inspired Roman legions to become a potent symbol within their marshal culture. The golden eagle is the national animal icon of Egypt, Iraq, Germany and Mexico.
There is an Animal Just Right for You
Kangaroos are the relaxation specialists, when you watch them enjoying a rest under a tree in family groups, there are no other animals who appear as relaxed as the roo. Great things are possible when you consider the incredible variety of animals present on this planet. There is an animal just right for you, your group, or your people. Animals are used as mascots for sporting teams, as they capture the spirit of a particular group or identity. Fans love to follow their team and shout out the name of their animal symbol or icon.
Animal Symbols are Powerful Totems
Animal symbols have been powerful totems for indigenous tribal peoples all over the globe. American Indians celebrated the twelve animals which made up their natural world. Beavers, bears, wolves, deer, fox, coyote, racoon, snake, horse, turtle, butterfly, buffalo, and spider. The wheel of life involved many of these animals and the spirit lodge lore celebrated their qualities. Native American Indians were linked to the spirits of these animals in ways we in the west could never hope to understand. Animals as symbols and icons have made our world a more inclusive place for all beings.