I recently became a pet owner, once again, after a long layoff. I had been living alone, estranged from my children due to circumstances beyond my control. Upon my return to the locale of my kids, I decided that a pet may be the loving glue that would help reseal our bonds of love. Animals are, by their very nature, heartfelt and instinctive. They do not over analyse and excessively verbalise situations, rather, they accept and get on with life. Caring for our pets is the least of what we can do in return for their special gifts. My trip to the animal shelter with my two children was a labour of love, as I watched them interact with the many cats and dogs on parade.
Hoped to Attract the Attention of a Good Heart
Well, actually they were incarcerated inside cells, the cats in baskets curled up away from the harsh lights and disinfectant handwashing of visitors who pawed them in hope of a positive reaction. The dogs barked in a desperate cacophony, which hoped to attract the attention of a possible new master or mistress with a good heart. I was never going to get a dog, as my residence was poorly placed to service the needs of a growing canine.
Vetting of Candidates for Pet Adoption
Giving your best is an important tenet, when it comes to caring for our pets. The folks in the animal shelter were rigorous in their vetting of candidates for pet adoption. Keeping them safe was high on their list of aspirations for these four-legged furry beasts. Too often they have wins and losses, which can see pets returned to their cells or, even worse, facing destruction at the hands of the council-run pounds. We settled on a fluffy 8 YO cat called Sweetie, who we were told did not like men.
We Would love Our New Cat
Caring for our pets is a responsibility, which unfortunately some human beings do not take seriously enough. Whether it is when times get tough, either financially or via a relationship breakdown, it is the pet that, often, gets the short end of the straw. Sweetie would not see another set of prison bars, if I could help it. We would love our new cat, through thick and thin. Warnings of biting and pissing in inappropriate places did not faze us in the least. There are always two sides to every story.