It’s beyond doubt that Australians love their dogs and cats more than they love other humans. We see in the prices people now pay just to own a pet – most dog breeds are around $4000 per puppy and upwards, far, far upwards. So it makes sense that pet-friendly electricians, plumbers, builders and Airtasker hired-help are promoting themselves as a step ahead in the fluffy-love stakes. From Sydney to Perth you can google dog-friendly or cat-friendly tradies and find them in your local area. Yep humans have gone mad … mad for protecting our domestic companions …
On the flip-side, horror stories exist of when such concerns were given zero credence. The electrician who let your beloved dog out – and it got run over. Your plumber who somehow managed to drown your cat. Or even the shonky builders who cooked up your pet chook for lunch! Yep the dark old days left your heart with permanent scars – and such things still happen in other countries. In Vietnam for instance, your average sparkie doesn’t promote pet-friendly, but if he or she did, it would state categorically that they’re not going to eat your dog. Same in China, where it’s said they eat anything with four legs unless it’s a table.
So let’s see which animal-loving tradespeople are openly stating they will go out of their way to not injure your pets. There’s these electricians in Perth with their own page and photo on the subject. Then there’s this Sydney electrician who is an ethical vegan – animal rights are his bag, baby.
But beyond these two progressive companies, not many others are making the connection – maybe this article will cause some tradies to go too far and start giving out pet bunnies to every client – especially at Easter. If so then marketing yourself as an electrician via SEO or social media might yet become very cutesy indeed – until the RSPCA get wind of it.