In many cultures and civilisations, animal totems and daemons are prevalent. It is as if we have sought to understand ourselves via the medium of animals and the natural world around us. Do these animal daemons have anything to offer us in the 21C? Will understanding your animal daemon provide some insight into who you truly are or is it all a load of poppycock? Animals, in the main, do not hide away their instinctive natures, like some human beings. Animals are more open and honest about being animals than we are. We have sought to elevate ourselves above the realm of smelly beasts. Our Christian lore sees us as superior beings made in God’s image.
Animal Daemons Are Purer
Of course, Christianity has been severely damaged due to its paedophile priests and their appalling behaviour and sexual misconduct. Plus, the administering institutions sought to protect their own over the victims and tainted the reputation of their organisations even further. Perhaps, animal daemons are purer and less beastly than the upright religious folk themselves. Who walks with forked tongue and tale in this realm these days? Understanding your animal daemon may offer a truer insight than first impressions might lead one to believe.
The Animal Has Clear Characteristics
Understanding your animal daemon is about finding qualities within you. The animal has clear characteristics, unmuddied by intellect and the desire to be something else. A wolf does not seek to be anything other than a wolf. A bear does not desire itself to anything other than a bear. Rabbits are rabbits. Cats are cats. Dogs are dogs. Mice are mice. Thinking like them is not thinking at all. It is the absence of the intellect, which serves the animal so well. Its identity is not confused. It does not doubt its own gender. It does not doubt its own species. It just is.
How You Go About the Business of Being You
Understanding your own animal daemon may provide you with some insight into your modus operandi. How you go about this business of living and breathing and being you. Are you a hunter? Are you a predator? Are you a gentle creature or are you something more ferocious? Do you tread lightly upon the earth? Do you slither or stalk? Do you soar or swim? If you look at a kangaroo at leisure, you will see the finest example of relaxation that you will find anywhere. Animals have a purity of being, which we overcomplicated human beings lack.